






Traffic Accident Investigation 交通事故調查
英文 中文
What was the time and location of the accident? 請問肇事時間及地點為何?
What was the direction of travel prior to the accident? Which lane? Please describe the accident in detail. 肇事前行進方向、車道及肇事經過情形?
What was the approximate distance between the two vehicles at the time of the accident? 發現危害狀況時距離對方多遠?
What was the approximate speed at the time of the accident? 肇事當時行車速率多少?
Was alcohol consumed prior to the accident? Please blow into the breathalyzer. 駕車前有無飲酒?請對著酒精濃度測試器吹氣。
Was a cellular phone used at the time of the accident? Called or received? 肇事當時有無使用行動電話?打出或接收?
What did you do after the accident? How was the police informed? 肇事後如何處置?報案經過?
Do you agree to be interviewed at night? 您是否同意在夜間接受詢問?
Were you in a clear state of mind when you were interviewed? 您接受詢問時是否意識清醒?
Do you have any additional comments in regards to this incident? 對本案有無補充意見?

Interview Investigation Report 詢問筆錄
英文 中文
You are suspected of ______(crime). You have the following rights while you are being interviewed. 你涉嫌違反____罪,接受詢問,於受詢問時得行使下列權利:
  1. You have the right to remain silent. You do not have to make any statements against your will.
  1. 得保持緘默,無需違背自己的意思而為陳述。
  1. You have the right to defense counsel.
  1. 得選任辯護人。
  1. You have the right to request an investigation of evidence favorable to your case.
  1. 得請求調查有利之證據。
It is now _____(time) at night, do you agree to be interviewed? 現在是夜間(__時__分),你是否同意接受詢問?
You are suspected of ______(crime), do you want defense counsel present? Do you have any criminal records? 你現在涉嫌___罪嫌,是否請辯護律師到場?你有何前科?

Giving Directions 問路
英文 中文
Q: Excuse me, could you tell me where the National Sun Yat-sen University is? 對不起,能告訴我中山大學在哪裡嗎?
A: Sure, if you go to the end of this road, you'll see an entrance of the tunnel. Keeping walking and it's the National Sun Yat-sen University. 當然可以,如果沿著這條路走到底,您會看到一個隧道入口,繼續走就是中山大學了。
Q: How far is it to the National Sun Yat-sen University? 這裡距離中山大學多遠?
A: Well, it takes about twenty minutes on foot. Or you can take bus number Orange 1. 嗯,需要走大約二十分鐘,或者您可以搭乘橘1公車。
Q: Could you tell me where the bus stop is? 你可以告訴我公車站在哪裡嗎?
A: It's on the No.2 entrance of Sizihwan Rapid Transit. 在西子灣捷運站2號出口。
Q: Thank you so much for your assistance. 非常謝謝你的協助。
A: You're welcome, I'm glad to help you. 不客氣,我很樂意幫助您。

Asking for information 詢問專線資訊
英文 中文
A: Good morning. May I help you? 早安。我能為您效勞嗎?
B: Yes, this is my first time to visit Taiwan.I would like to know where can I get the information for foreigners? 是的,這是我第一次來台灣,我想知道哪裡可以取得給外國人的資訊?
A: Ok, please hold on for a second. 好的,請您稍等一下。(拿出本局製作之外僑服務小卡)
A: Please call the following hotlines to report an incident, request emergency assistance, or when seeking information. 若您需要報案、急難救助、或者諮詢各項資訊,請撥打以下專線:
  1. +886-7-551-5183 for the Foreign Affairs Section of Kaohsiung Harbor Police Department
  1. 高雄港務警察總隊國際科 電話:+886-7-551-5183
  1. +886-7-215-4342 for the Foreign Affairs Division of Kaohsiung City Police Department.
  1. 高雄市政府警察局外事服務站 電話:+886-7-215-4342
  1. +886-800-024-111 for the International Visitor's Toll-Free Information Hotline.
  1. 移民署外國人在臺生活諮詢服務專線 電話:+886-800-024-111
B: Thanks for your information. 感謝您的資訊。
A: It's my pleasure to serve you. 為您服務是我的榮幸。